Relation without default scope


i trying to do some relation:

public function relations(){

    return array(

		'user' =>array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'user_id'), // Only visible - use defaultScope

                'rawuser' => ... // Visible and invisible users - without defaultScope



User model has defaultScope:





Is there any way to get related model without useing defaultScope like $model->rawuser? System most of time needs only visible users, but in some situations it is unrelevant if user is visible or not.

has anyone solved this? i have the same problem right now…

try to use resetScope() -

you can use resetScope() on CActiveRecord instances, but i want to use it on relations, e.g.:

normal access is:

$model->relation // with default scope, which is defined in relation's model class

only in few cases it should be:

$model->relation // without relation's model default scope

i can reset the scope of $model, but


doesn’t reset the scope defined in relation’s class, and


doesn’t work, since the request on relation’s model is made before resetScope() is executed.

I have the same prob’ right now - a solution for this would be great

The same problem… Any ideas?

My idea, is to make a scope that resets all the previous scopes, and than you can call on it like this:


// or since 1.1.7






// or since 1.1.7








resetScope function is designed for pipeline usage, so you should be able to use like scope:

public function relations(){

    return array(

                'user' =>array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'user_id'), // Only visible - use defaultScope

                'rawuser' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'user_id', 'scopes'=>array( 'resetScope' ) ) // Visible and invisible users - without defaultScope



however if you need to access all records in one scenario and only limited rows in other - why don’t you reverse the problem and create standard scope instead of defaultScope?

public function relations(){

    return array(

                'user' =>array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'user_id', 'scopes'=>array( 'visible' )), // Only visible - use scope

                'rawuser' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'user_id' ) // Visible and invisible users - without any scopes



Has someone done this successfully?

I don’t seem to get any effect on generated SQL by using ‘scopes’ => ‘resetScope’.

Event model relations():

	'job' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Job', 'job_id', 'scopes' => array('resetScope')),

Job model:

	public function defaultScope() {

		return array(

			'condition' => '"'.$this->getTableAlias(false, false) . '"."deleted" IS NULL',



Querying SQL: SELECT "job"."id" AS "t1_c0", "job"."title" AS "t1_c1", ...shortened... FROM "job" "job"  WHERE ("job"."deleted" IS NULL) AND ("job"."id"=:ypl0)

On the other hand if I change ‘scopes’ => ‘resetScope’ to a named scope, e.g. ‘scopes’ => ‘active’, then it is added to the SQL just fine. Why not resetScope? Does it work for you guys? I’m using Yii v1.1.10. Thanks!

Look at

But I’m not sure that it doesn’t hurt anything else.

Hi friends i am using

public function defaultScope()



		return array( 'order'=> 'id DESC',); 


		return array( 'order'=> 'id DESC', 'condition'=> 'status_id =1');

	return array( 'order'=> 'id DESC', 'condition'=> 'status_id = 1 AND email= \''.Yii::app()->user->getModel()->email.'\''

			.' OR id = \''	. Yii::app()->user->id.'\'' );


try it it works fine. :D :D

Hi all.

I had the same problem and came with a simple solution. See my manual:

Enjoy :slight_smile: