checkBoxHtmlOptions in the CCheckBoxColumn not working.

checkBoxHtmlOptions not working in the CCheckBoxColumn


		$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

		    'id' => 'shipping-list',

		    'dataProvider' => $shipping,




                array( 'class'=>'CCheckBoxColumn',








then generate the HTML:

<td class="checkbox-column"><input type="checkbox" id="shipping-list_c0_0" value="2" name="shipping-list_c0[]"></td>

but I wanna the name to be order[shipping_id]

it would be a bug for CCheckBoxColumn.

the CCheckBoxColumn now not providing a name htmloption for checkbox.

so I change the Class.

class CCheckBoxColumn extends CGridColumn



	 * @var string the attribute name of the data model. The corresponding attribute value will be rendered

	 * in each data cell as the checkbox value. Note that if {@link value} is specified, this property will be ignored.

	 * @see value


	public $name;


	 * @var string a PHP expression that will be evaluated for every data cell and whose result will be rendered

	 * in each data cell as the checkbox value. In this expression, the variable

	 * <code>$row</code> the row number (zero-based); <code>$data</code> the data model for the row;

	 * and <code>$this</code> the column object.


	public $value;


	 * @var array the HTML options for the data cell tags.


	public $htmlOptions=array('class'=>'checkbox-column');


	 * @var array the HTML options for the header cell tag.


	public $headerHtmlOptions=array('class'=>'checkbox-column');


	 * @var array the HTML options for the footer cell tag.


	public $footerHtmlOptions=array('class'=>'checkbox-column');


	 * @var array the HTML options for the checkboxes.


	public $checkBoxHtmlOptions=array();


	 * Initializes the column.

	 * This method registers necessary client script for the checkbox column.


	public function init()



		if (array_key_exists('name', $this->checkBoxHtmlOptions)){

		$name=$this->checkBoxHtmlOptions['name']; }


//above this changed by me <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />






jQuery('#{$this->id}_all').live('click',function() {

	var checked=this.checked;

	jQuery("input[name='$name']").each(function() {




jQuery("input[name='$name']").live('click', function() {

	jQuery('#{$this->id}_all').attr('checked', jQuery("input[name='$name']").length==jQuery("input[name='$name']:checked").length);{$one}






	 * Renders the header cell content.

	 * This method will render a checkbox in the header when {@link CGridView::selectableRows} is greater than 1.


	protected function renderHeaderCellContent()



			echo CHtml::checkBox($this->id.'_all',false);





	 * Renders the data cell content.

	 * This method renders a checkbox in the data cell.

	 * @param integer the row number (zero-based)

	 * @param mixed the data associated with the row


	protected function renderDataCellContent($row,$data)




		else if($this->name!==null)







		//echo CHtml::checkBox($this->id.'[]',false,$options); 

		echo CHtml::checkBox($this->name,false,$options);

//above this changed by me <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />



I’ve submited a issue for this :)


echo CHtml::checkBox($options[‘name’],false,$options);

would be better.

and //$name="{$this->id}\\[\\]"; should not modify again :)