
This is probably so simple but I haven’t been able to work it out in the last few hours

So here’s what I’m trying to do I have a URL where id like to pass a id in to

 eg www.somedomain.com/test/index.php/random/12

Now with the following code i can get the "random" part of the URL but cant work out how to get the "12" part of the URL


class randomController extends Controller


        public function actionIndex()




        public function actionView()


                $this->render('view', array('id'=>$this->get));




the view page looks like



        print "data is " . $id  . "<BR>";


Any suggestions would be much appreciated

id is stored in the $_GET array, so you can retrieve it anywhere this way: $_GET[‘id’].

id is stored in the $_GET array, so you can retrieve it anywhere this way: $_GET['id']

if I’m not wrong, this $_GET[‘id’] is numeric type.

so the preg_match just receive number only.

the value like :‘www.somedomain.com/test/index.php/random/1202R’, will not work, although the value is primary key.

A little off-topic note: If register_globals is turned on in PHP configuration then he can also use $id in place of $_GET[‘id’]. But AFAIK there aren’t many people (servers, hostings, admins) that allow of register_globals in PHP this days, due to security manners.

How is your URL Manager configured?

Do you have this line in your rules:


Also, as of Yii 1.1.4 you can access the data this way:

public function actionView($id)


   $this->render('view', array('id'=>(int)$id));


See: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/basics.controller#action-parameter-binding