cgridview and sorting problem


In model:

public function search()


	$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

        $criteria->select ='t.*,

        TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE , now() , (t.startdate + interval t.days day)) as timetoend';

in view:






   $this->widget('application.components.GridView', array(

now i cant sort by time toend becaouse it sorting by t.timetoend

SQL: SELECT t.*, TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE , now() , (t.startdate + interval t.days day)) as timetoend FROM `User` `t` ORDER BY `t`.`timetoend` LIMIT 20

i need a method to tell model to use or not to use prefix in sorting condition.

You can also use another array to define a sort attribute. Then you can specify the SQL condition for each direction. The columns will not be prefixed in this condition:




      'desc'=>'timetoend desc',


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