Not so clear action in Model / AttributeLabels


I tried the default Yii application that is created with the console app.

I change the model attributeLabel to something like this:

<pre class='prettyprint'>


 * Declares attribute labels.

 * If not declared here, an attribute would have a label

 * the same as its name with the first letter in upper case.


public function attributeLabels()


	return array(

		&#039;verifyCode&#039;=&gt;&#039;C&amp;oacute;digo de verificaci&amp;oacute;n&#039;,



public function rules()


	return array(

		array(&#039;username, password&#039;, &#039;required&#039;,&quot;message&quot;=&gt;&#039;Debe ingresar el {attribute}&#039; ),

		array(&#039;verifyCode&#039;, &#039;captcha&#039;, &#039;allowEmpty&#039;=&gt;!extension_loaded(&#039;gd&#039;), &quot;message&quot;=&gt;&#039;{attribute} inv&amp;aacute;lido&#039;),

		array(&#039;password&#039;, &#039;authenticate&#039;),



In the label for the captcha, the label is c&oacute;digo de validaci&oacute;n , but in the validation text attribute name is: código de validación…

I think, IMHO, that there must be just one and defined action to use these codes.

What do you think?

Greetings from Argentina


Thanks. Fixed.