Upgrading Instructions for Yii Framework v1.0.2 =============================================== !!!IMPORTANT!!! The following upgrading instructions are cumulative. That is, if you want to upgrade from version A to version C and there is version B between A and C, you need to following the instructions for both A and B. Upgrading from v1.0.1 --------------------- - Due to the introduction of the scenario-based massive assignment feature, we removed CActiveRecord::protectedAttributes(). Please use safeAttributes() to specify which attributes are safe to be massively assigned. For more details about scenario-based assignment and validation, please read the following tutorial section: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/form.model#securing-attribute-assignments - The signature of CModel::validate() has been changed to: CModel::validate($scenario='', $attributes=null) That is, the order of the two parameters has been swapped. If your application contains code that invokes the validate() method (of either a CFormModel or a CActiveRecord object) with some parameter, please make sure you fix the parameter order. - The usage of CActiveRecord::with() and the 'with' option in relations has been changed. In order to query child relations, we should specify the 'with' parameter/option like the following now: Post::model()->with(array('comments', 'author.profile'))->findAll(); Previously, this should be written as: Post::model()->with(array('comments', 'author'=>'profile'))->findAll(); If your code does not involve child relations (like 'profile' in the above), nothing needs to be changed. This change has been introduced in order to support dynamic relational query options. For example, we can specify that comments be sorted in descending order (assuming in the relations() method it is specified as ascending order): Post::model()->with(array( 'comments'=>array('order'=>'createTime DESC'), 'author.profile', ))->findAll(); Upgrading from v1.0.0 --------------------- - An $scenario parameter is added to both CModel::beforeValidate() and afterValidate(). If you override these methods in your child classes (form models, AR classes), make sure you change the method signature accordingly.