ajaxdropdown Yii 1.1 dropdown widget with AJAX data

  1. How it works
  2. How to install
  3. Full widget structure with possible options
  4. AJAX data source
  5. Preselected and post-validate data with PHP.
  6. Preselected and post-validate data with JavaScript.
  7. Some parameters listed
  8. GitHub repo
  9. Yii2 version

AjaxDropDown allows to use dropdown menu to select one or more values in your form. Dropdown data is sent using the AJAX post method.

This widget is designed to be used with Bootstrap CSS although the option to switch it off is given ('bootstrap' => false). In case you don't want to use Bootstrap make sure to set the proper event for the AJAX data collecting ('triggerEvent').

The widget was not tested with Yiistrap, YiiBooster or any other Yii Bootstrap 3rd party library.

AjaxDropDown preview

How it works

The widget collects AJAX data and displays it as the list where every element can be clicked to select that value for the model attribute. The number of results per page is controlled by the source controller action. After first page the widget collects new page data only when the 'next' button is clicked and that target page has not been collected already. In any other case the data is present all the time and browsing through the already loaded pages takes no server time. The idea behind the input text field next to the dropdown button is to give the option to filter the source data before displaying it in the widget but there are no requirements for this so feel free to add any logic here you like.

How to install

Copy the AjaxDropDown folder to your /protected/extensions Yii folder. Then add the following inside your form view:

<?php $this->widget('ext.AjaxDropDown.AjaxDropDown', array(
  'model' => $model,
  'attribute' => 'attribute',
  'source' => $this->createUrl('controller/action'),
)); ?>

Where $model is your CModel object, 'attribute' is object's attribute and data source URL is 'controller/action'. This is just a basic widget configuration. You can find all the options described in the AjaxDropDown.php.

Full widget structure with possible options

<div id="[WIDGET_ID]" class="ajaxDropDownWidget {mainClass}" {style="{mainStyle}"}>
    <div class="ajaxDropDown {groupClass}" {style="{groupStyle}"}>
        <input type="text" name="ajaxDropDownInput" value="" class="{inputClass}" {style="{inputStyle}"}>
        <div class="{buttonsClass}" {style="{buttonsStyle}"}>
            {<button type="button" {extraButtonHtmlOptions}>{extraButtonLabel}</button>}
            <button data-page="[DATA_PAGE]" data-toggle="dropdown" type="button" class="ajaxDropDownToggle {buttonClass}" {style="{buttonStyle}"}>
            <ul role="menu" class="ajaxDropDownMenu {resultsClass}" {style="{resultsStyle}"}>
                <li class="dropdown-header {headerClass}" {style="{headerStyle}"}>
                        <span class="ajaxDropDownPageNumber">[CURRENT_PAGE_NUMBER]</span>/<span class="ajaxDropDownTotalPages">[TOTAL_PAGES_NUMBER]</span>
                <li class="divider"></li>
                <li class="ajaxDropDownLoading {loadingClass}" {style="{loadingStyle}"}>{progressBar}</li>
                <li class="dropdown-header {errorClass}" {style="{errorStyle}"}>{local.error}</li>
                <li class="dropdown-header {noRecordsClass}" {style="{noRecordsStyle}"}>{local.noRecords}</li>
                <li class="ajaxDropDownPages ajaxDropDownPage[PAGE_NUMBER] ajaxDropDownRecord[RECORD_ID] {recordClass}" {style="{recordStyle}"}>
                    <a data-id="[RECORD_ID]" class="ajaxDropDownResult" href="#">{markBegin}[RECORD_VALUE]{markEnd}</a>
                <li class="divider ajaxDropDownInfo"></li>
                <li class="ajaxDropDownInfo {switchClass}" {style="{switchStyle}"}>
                    <a class="ajaxDropDownPrev {previousClass}" {style="{previousStyle}"} href="#">
                    <a class="ajaxDropDownNext {nextClass}" {style="{nextStyle}"} href="#">
    <ul class="ajaxDropDownResults {selectedClass}" {style="{selectedStyle}"}>
        <li class="ajaxDropDownSelected[SELECTED_ID] {resultClass}" {style="{resultStyle}"}>
            <a class="ajaxDropDownRemove {removeClass}" {style="{removeStyle}"} href="#" data-id="[SELECTED_ID]">
            </a>{markBegin}[SELECTED_VALUE]{markEnd}<input type="hidden" value="[SELECTED_ID]" name="[ATTRIBUTE_NAME]">

Names in curly brackets are options and can be set as widget parameters. Names in square brackets are automatically set widget data.

AJAX data source

Below is the structure required by this widget:

    'data' => array(
            'id' => RECORD_ID,
            'mark' => RECORD_EMPHASIS,
            'value' => RECORD_VALUE
    'page' => CURRENT_PAGE_NUMBER,
    'total' => TOTAL_PAGES_NUMBER

RECORD_ID is the record identificator,
RECORD_EMPHASIS is the 0|1 flag wheter this record value should be surrounded with {markBegin} and {markEnd},
RECORD_VALUE is the record actual value,
CURRENT_PAGE_NUMBER is the actual page number (starting from 1),
TOTAL_PAGES_NUMBER is the number of all available pages.

This should be JSON encoded. You can find the example in the example_data_source.php.

Preselected and post-validate data with PHP.

In case you want to display some records as already selected or simply just want to keep the selected data after validation you need to prepare the 'data' parameter which is the array almost identical to the source one.

        'id' => RECORD_ID,
        'mark' => RECORD_EMPHASIS,
        'value' => RECORD_VALUE

This time the array shouldn't be encoded. Keep this structure even in case of single result.

You can find the form controller example in example_controller.php.

Preselected and post-validate data with JavaScript.

You can manipulate selected results by triggering the following events on AjaxDropDown object:

Add one or more results. In case the 'singleMode' is true only the last added result will be displayed.

jQuery({id or class of AjaxDropDown field}).trigger('add', [result1, result2, ...]);

With every result data being object with id, value, mark and additional properties (only id is required):

{id:1, value:"xxx", mark:0, additional:"xxx"}

Remove one or more results.

jQuery({id or class of AjaxDropDown field}).trigger('removeOne', [id1, id2, ...]);

Remove all results.

jQuery({id or class of AjaxDropDown field}).trigger('removeAll');

By default events (except 'removeAll') are calling callback methods onRemove and onSelect. You can change it by setting 'jsEventsCallback' to false.

Some parameters listed

  • additionalCode - allows to place additional HTML code in selected value row between removing link and value's label (you can overwrite it just for single row by adding 'additional' key in data parameter), default ''
  • debug - wheter to copy the asset file even if it has been already published before, default false (set to true if you modify js file in dev mode)
  • dropup - if set to true the dropdown menu appears above to button, default false (works only with 'bootstrap' set to true)
  • extraButtonHtmlOptions - HTML options of the extra button between input text field and triggering button, default array()
  • extraButtonLabel - HTML label for the extra button between input text field and triggering button, default ''
  • local - array of translated strings used in the widget, default array() (if not set it uses $defaultLocal English strings)
  • singleMode - wheter to set widget in mode that allows only one selected value or more, default false

You can find all the parameters listed here https://github.com/bizley-code/Yii-AjaxDropDown/blob/master/PARAMETERS.md

GitHub repo


Yii2 version

For Yii2 version of this widget go to

1 0
Yii Version: 1.1
License: GPL-2.0
Category: User Interface
Developed by: Bizley
Created on: Jan 20, 2015
Last updated: 7 years ago


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